is a rental platform where landlords can manage all aspects of a tenancy themselves – from advertising and contract writing all the way to collecting rent and moving out.
Since the launch in 2017, has earned the position as the leading tenancy administration platform in Norway.

The platform contains tenancy life cycle features functionalities like;
- Ad creation and posting to leading classified site
- Prospect management including credit checking
- Tenancy agreement wizard with integrated security deposit account creation and qualified electronic signing
- Move-in protocol
- Rent collection with automatic payment reminders and annual rent increase
- Tenancy termination wizard allowing the landlord to compliantly terminate a tenancy in violation of the contract
- In-platform and SMS messaging
- Tenant area
The platform offers a range of relevant third party services, like utility subscriptions and insurances, available for purchase by landlords and tenants.
Per Q4 2023 an aggregate of 90 000 landlords have registered as users of the platform.